Sunday, July 20, 2008


Well the back finally felt well enough to start the on-the-minute.

Did 15 Sets of 11 Reps with the 16kg. Used 45 sec of rest.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Met with Tracy

Met with Tracy yesterday who basically assessed my fitness in a glance and said. We have work to do...

Starting on "On the Minute Drills" Basically is doing 10 reps on the minute and taking the rest of the minute as rest. 15 Reps and done until I can build up the fitness level. Yesterday's workout felt good but hurts the back. not sure why. Going to see what happens this afternoon.

I'll post later.

Joe Out.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Well, I'm back. After a stretch in Hawaii then recovering from some injury etc. It's time to start lifting the KB. Going to see if I can do a good 300 rep cycle this afternoon. More later.
