Monday, June 04, 2007

Cardio Day or a Visit to the shrine.

Today was odd. I was going to go to the gym and use the rowing machine and Elliptical but as luck (or my wife) would have it. I had other plans. We left home at about 7:50 to take the kids to school and walked back in the door at 10:00am. I got dragged around the biggest shrine in Tokyo and I was beat. So anyway here is the food. The 2hr walk was my cardio.

1 Whole Egg
1 Egg White Scrambled with PAM.
Total: 98

3/4 Chicken Breast
Head of Lettuce
Balsamic Vinegar
Total: 200

3/4 Chicken Breast
Total: 357

Dinner: (Leftover Gorp) Did I mention I was hungry. Really I WANTED/NEEDED to feel full. (so I did)
1 Head of Broccoli
2 Carrots
1 Chicken Breast
1 Tbls Sambal Olek (Ground up Red chilis)
3/4 Cup of Brown Rice
2 Onions.
2 Tbls Terriyaki
.5 Tbls Olive Oil
Total: 700 Calories

1 comment:

Tracy Reifkind said...

Joe, I love your dinner meal, 1 head of broccoli, 2 carrots ( I use large ones) and 2 onions! It's nice to see other people taking advantage of the benefits, not only volume but nutrition, of veggies.

I like feeling full too, and veggies fill the bill everytime!